Discover the


The winery is situated on a mountain peak about a kilometer on the outskirts of Statos Ayios Photios village towards the monastery of Chryssoroyiatissa, in the city of Pafos district, 30 km from Kykkos monastery

Family Winery

Excellent Quality And Taste

The great height, the plentiful sunshine due to the orientation of the ground and the light limestone soil in conjunction with the dry but cool summer, give the vineyards the ideal requirements for excellent quality grapes with great taste.

From the ancient times the area has been famous for its agricultural products and especially for its grapes and magnificent wine. This tradition is continued at Kolios family winery, creating Cyprus wines of excellent quality and taste with a lot of love, enthusiasm and a feeling of responsibility.

The winery belongs to the family and each of the owners successfully do their job: Marios, who has been making wine for 12 years, is in charge for the winemaking, Leonidas – for the sales and Efthimia – for the tavern operation.

The land where the winery is located belonged to Marios’ grandparents and more than 15 years ago (in 1999), when the owners started the winemaking, they firstly made it for a hobby, but then their friends and relatives asked them to make more wine for them so they organized one of the most effective wine productions in Cyprus – Kolios winery. The recipe for wine making is still the same, the only thing which changes is the grape, varying from year to year, but the production process is always of the same high quality.

When Kolios family started building the winery, they found a mountain stream, which since that time it has never dried out. Thanks to the stream in the basement, they can preserve the proper temperature (160C) for the annual storage of wines.

We have specially note that Kolios wines are produced without any chemicals and the vineyards are organic. In just 2 years, Kolios will receive the official approval for organic production.

Two years ago the owners made a full renovation of the winery: they built a tavern with outstanding views, bought new equipment for the wine production and made changes in cellar.


The Process of WineMaking

We have specially note that Kolios wines are produced without any chemicals and the vineyards are organic. In just 2 years, Kolios will receive the official approval for organic production.



The grapes are hand picked from the “Kolios” vineyards. This same earth that their ancestors have cultivated for more than four generations, is still cultivated today with the same zeal and love

Crushing & Pressing

Pressing in winemaking is the process where juice is extracted from grapes which is equipped with the latest technology: low-pressure pneumatic press, a milder press


The process of alcoholic fermentation requires careful control for the production of high quality wines,  cool cleaning of the must and kneading in a controlled temperature (in stainless steel tanks equipped with special cooling jackets).

Ageing & Bottling

Before bottling, wine may require blending, filtration, and use of antiseptics to combat microbe development. Often several casks containing the same wine will develop differences during aging, and blending is desirable to ensure uniformity.

Kolios Winery Vineyards

Next to the winery, at a high of 3000 feet, are to be found the “Kolios” vineyards. This same earth that their ancestors have cultivated for more than four generations, is still cultivated today with the same zeal and love.

Visit our farm